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OilCo’s Fact Sheet Series – Learn More About…

By January 19, 2023December 19th, 2024Reports & Publications

Established in 2019 by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, OilCo leads oil and gas activities in offshore Newfoundland and Labrador.

OilCo manages the province’s equity ownership in three producing offshore oil projects and participates in future projects through equity ownership in new developments.

To learn more about OilCo and what offshore Newfoundland has to offer, read through our series of fact sheets.

Click on each link to learn more about…

  1. Offshore NL’s established production
  2. NL’s offshore vast potential – South East Grand Banks region
  3. NL’s offshore vast potential – East Newfoundland region
  4. NL’s offshore vast potential – Labrador South region
  5. Offshore NL’s land tenure system
  6. Resource Assessments for offshore NL
  7. Insight
  8. Bull Arm Fabrication