Geoscience Studies and Reports

OilCo is working with global leading partners on strategic studies and projects to evaluate Newfoundland and Labradors frontier slope and deepwater basins for undiscovered oil and gas potential. Below is a list of Studies and Reports prepared for the 2020 NL01-NEN and NL01-SN License Round (both Calls for Bids were deferred by the C-NLOPB – more information is available here).

Publically Available Geoscience Reports

Pore Pressure Analysis

The regional pore pressure study consists of a comprehensive regional pressure analysis of offshore Newfoundland and Labrador. The study area spans from the northern tip of Labrador to the Flemish Pass Basin, and includes all basins in the area of interest including the Saglek, Hopedale, Chidley, Hawke, and Orphan as well as the slope and deepwater equivalents.

Rock Physics

In 2014, Nalcor Energy-Oil and Gas (now OilCo) in partnership with Ikon Science, initiated a regional rock physics study to better understand lithologic properties and corresponding seismic amplitude (AVO) anomalies within the Orphan Basin, Flemish Pass and along the Labrador Margin.

Drilling Performance Metrics

In August 2016, Nalcor Energy-Oil and Gas (now OilCo) released the results of a drilling metrics study it had undertaken with industry consulting firm NSB Energy out of St. John’s. The reporting is not a drilling offset study, but rather a compilation of historical reports into a clear, comparable and easily accessible format. This report provides a summary of well data and drilling metrics obtained for 112 of the 167 exploration wells that have been drilled offshore Newfoundland and Labrador since 1966.


South Coast Biostratigraphy

Partnered with Riley Geoscience, Nalcor has undertaken the Labrador Biostratigraphy study by selecting a representative set of wells to analyze for Micropalaeontology and Palynology, with emphasis on updating both the interpreted geologic age of the stratigraphy, as well as providing insight on the depositional environment.

Regulatory Offshore Database

Released Geoscience Studies and Data

The CNLOPB is the regulator for the offshore in Newfoundland and Labrador and they are responsible for the public repository of data. The CNLOPB has built a knowledge base of information for the Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore area. To obtain this information, including well reports, logs, regional reports, etc, please contact the CNLOPB.